Hunger for Hope is a yearly event run by Ignite Student Ministries at Lakeshore Community Church.  Every year, ISM gathers students of the community and strives to provide them with opportunities to become spiritually aware of their role in alleviating poverty.  We do this by focusing specifically on Children’s Relief International’s youth and handball ministry, Spark of Hope, in Dondo, Mozambique.

Hunger for Hope tip toes the lines of a service project, a mini missions experience, and a traditional youth event.  The event attempts to show students the mission of Spark of Hope and why the ministry exists.  We tie in teaching time, activities, and a fundraising effort, to give students the ability to get involved in what God is doing through Spark of Hope.  Students hear stories, wrestle with harsh realities, and are challenged to get out of their comfort zones and make a difference.

As a yearly event, we strive to keep these experiences and commitments alive throughout the year, and create a culture of missions within ISM.  With Hunger for Hope as our yearly ‘pep rally’ of sorts, we hope to build the relationship between Ignite Student Ministries and Spark of Hope and instill in our students a sense of connection to individuals involved in Spark of Hope as well as an overall connection to God’s work in Dondo, Mozambique.


Hunger for Hope is over now, but we had a great weekend! We had over 50 people involved between students and adults, collected over 300 items of food for the Hilton Food Cupboard, and we are currently sitting very close to our fundraising goal of $5,000! If you would like to make a donation to help us reach our goal, please click the link to our Classy Campaign below!

Donations have been raised in a number of various ways this year, and our online campaign in just one of them! If it looks like we're a ways behind our goal online, that's because the online campaign only shows funds raised online! As of 8:00am on Sunday, March 17th, we have raised a total of $4,579!


Click here to check out our Classy Campaign to learn more about, and contribute online to, the Spark of Hope Resource Center, our fundraising focus for this year's Hunger for Hope.

With your help, Spark of Hope will be able to do these five things

1. Provide tutoring classes in Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and English year-round for grades 8-12.

2. Operate a meal program for all Spark students for one year 

3. Provide school resources (textbooks, notebooks, markers, pens & pencils, paper) to all Spark students for one year 

4. Keep the Resource Center clean and well maintained for one year 

5. Offer mentoring and discipleship at the Resource Center.